The disk space function displays the overall volume of information that you can have on the hosting server at a time. With a home PC, for instance, this would be the total size of one hdd or the total capacity of all hard disk drives in the event that the PC has more than just a single one. The same way that the space on a PC is divided between installed applications, documents, music and so on, the server hard disk space is usually shared between website files, databases and e-mail messages. Every file, folder or email takes some disk space on your server, which means you should take into account a variety of factors, not just the size of the files that you will upload. For example, having sizable e-mail attachments or having a script-driven site in which the user-generated data is kept in a database may also affect the hdd space you are using.

Disk Space in Hosting

To match the processing effectiveness behind our cloud web hosting packages, we've studied and implemented the best possible alternative regarding the disk space - your hosting account is not generated using just one server, but using a cluster platform. As a result, what we have assembled is an entire group of servers that is centered on the file storing only, consequently you should never concern yourself with running out of space and having to move to some additional server as your current one can't accommodate more information. In case extra space is needed, we just add extra machines to the cluster, so that the hard disk space is virtually inexhaustible. Of course, our hosting are meant to be employed for websites, not for a collection of large files. We have different machines for all of the databases and the e-mail messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Due to the fact that all our semi-dedicated server packages are incredibly powerful, we have made the decision not to limit the disk space attribute when we have created them. Our understanding is that when you acquire a powerful plan, it is more than likely that you have a good amount of website data, therefore every semi-dedicated server plan comes with unrestricted hard disk capacity, which will allow you to focus on improving your sites not worrying if you'll suit some allowance. Your website hosting account will be set up on a cloud web hosting system where the files, emails and databases have their own groups of servers, thus not only will the machines perform more effectively because just one type of system processes will operate on them, but also you'll never need to worry for the hdd space because we can add as many servers or hard disk drives to each cluster as needed.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

The hard disk storage that we offer with our virtual private servers is different depending on the package that you pick when you sign up. Having a more powerful server, you will be able to effortlessly operate multiple websites, which means extra content, which means that the higher the VPS package, the more hdd space you will have at your disposal. Switching from one plan to another takes just a couple of mouse-clicks and it does not involve any kind of service disruption. Your website databases, files and emails will share the total amount of space your server contains, still if you'd prefer to get fixed quotas, you can pick cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Both instruments will allow you to make website hosting accounts with limited hdd storage and when required, even to allot space from one existing account to another. Using the third solution that you'll find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the storage space.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Selecting Linux dedicated servers hosting you'll get all of the disk space that you will need for your websites, databases, e-mails and apps. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be at your disposal and not shared with others, thus you can upload any data you would like - site files, personal or company archive backup copies, etc. You will get a minimum of two hard disks that work in RAID, so one drive will mirror the other in real time in order to ensure that all of your essential data is always secured. If you like, you're able to use the hard drives independently and utilize the entire storage space the way you see fit. If required, it is possible to get extra hard disk drives attached to the server and enjoy even additional disk space. You'll have the option to create website hosting accounts with pre-set disk space quotas if you obtain your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel. Selecting Hepsia, which is the 3rd Control Panel solution on the order page, all of the domains hosted on your server will share the hard disk storage and they will be controlled via one account. In each case, our dedicated packages will satisfy all of your demands regardless of the kind of web site you have to host.